Thursday, October 2, 2008


Lauren Slater brings about the point of how damaging self-esteem can be in the reading, “The Trouble With Self-Esteem.” Slater’s main ideas in this reading are that low self-esteem is not harmful, but high self-esteem is, and that a way needs to be found to control high self-esteems. However, in reality a good amount of self-esteem is needed to be successful in life, and should be brought out to its fullest in life, not held back.
Slater’s first main point is that having high self-esteem is harmful. This is not true. Having a high self-esteem means being confident in one’s actions and abilities. It seems that Slater is getting high self-esteem confused with arrogance. Arrogance can bring others down and be destructive to ourselves and those around us. However, high self-esteem is being able to be confident and do things well to the best of our abilities. This is a good quality found in people that if practiced, brings out the same good quality in those around us, as well.
The other part of Slater’s point is that lacking self-esteem is actually a good thing. This is unrealistic. Not having any confidence or self-esteem may cause less violence and equal intelligence levels, however, this does not mean a person is better. Not having any self-esteem usually results in shyness and incontinence in one’s actions. This is not a healthy way to live. People want to be comfortable with themselves and their decisions.
Since Slater has such a problem with having self-esteem, she feels the need to find a way to control it. At least she acknowledges that it is almost impossible to find ways to bring people down lower. This idea is not healthy. Telling people they are not good enough, and putting them down, does not result in better people. People need to have confidence and respect themselves to be able to better themselves and the world around them. If no one was confident with themselves, nothing would ever be accomplished. People who have high self-esteem do not want to do well to put others down, they want to do well to bring out the best in others, and because they know they are capable of achieving their full potential.
The idea that having self-esteem is negative, is the wrong way to look at this situation. High self-esteem does not bring down others. It brings out the best in ourselves and others, as well. It is not something that needs to be controlled or restrained, it is something that needs to be practiced by all people.

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