Friday, October 31, 2008

Perspective of a homosexual high school student in the closet

Dear Journal,

Another school day today. I woke up early, trying to pick out what to wear. I decided on a new outfit that I got last Friday night with my girl-friend, not my girlfriend. Who, no matter what she thinks, is just my friend. No matter how hard I try, that’s all she’ll ever be. Anyway, I got ready for school and went to go pick up Ryan. He hopped in the car and gave me a look up and down. I knew what that look meant, I’d seen it before.
"Really Mike? Why do you have to get so dressed up just for school? You can’t always win a girl over with just your clothes."
I didn’t say anything, I just laughed nervously. I wasn’t trying to win a girl over with my clothes. I was trying to get through another school day. Why should he care if I wanted to look nice?
The school day was going by as usual, teachers, work, boredom. Then, it was time to break for lunch. Our lunch table is made up of pretty much all of my best friends, and the guys who I always hang out with. Of course the usual topics come up. Our only two topics, in fact: sports and girls.
"Mike, why don’t you get with Amanda? She’s cute, she’s an athlete, and you know she likes you. Why wouldn’t you wanna go for her?"
I stare at the table and trying to seem careless, shrug my shoulders. "I dunno. She’s just not for me I guess." Unsatisfied with my answer, the lunch table conversation continued.
I sat there thinking to myself, a thought that always comes to mind no matter how much I push it back. I want to tell them, I do, but I want them to stay my friends even more. I want to be normal, but being normal isn’t pretending to be somebody you’re not. I want them to be able to stick by me and understand. I’m still Mike, I’m still the same person, I’m still their friend. Will they be able to understand this?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

From the perspective of a girl with anorexia

Dear Diary,

I’m absolutely dreading school tomorrow. Today was awful, I just don’t want to go back, ever. I don’t like being home much really either. Nothing makes me happy anymore. I woke up really early. I didn’t get much sleep last night, again. I got dressed and wore sweat pants and a sweatshirt. Nothing looks good on me anymore. I wish I could look decent in normal clothes. I’m too gross to look good in anything. I went downstairs and started packing my bag, getting ready to walk out the door. My mom’s so annoying, she keeps telling me that I should start eating breakfast. I always tell her I’m not hungry early in the mornings, and that I don’t want to eat. That’s not lying, I don’t want to eat... at all.

I got to school and went through my morning. Class was pretty boring as usual. I like being with my friends a lot. They’re all so pretty. All of them are skinny and look perfect in whatever they’re wearing. I wish I could look like that. Whenever I’m with them I always feel like everyone’s comparing us, and seeing how much better and skinnier they look than me. Lunch time came soon enough. I didn’t want to eat, especially after seeing how pretty and skinny my friends looked today. I just sat there miserably while everyone else ate and laughed. I told them that I didn’t like the school lunch, and that I’d just eat when I got home.

I got home and did my homework. My mom didn’t feel like cooking, she ordered a pizza instead. What used to be a heavenly smell now disgusted me. I hated how good it looked, and hated myself even more for wanting it. I should want to be skinny more than I wanted pizza. I told my parents I didn’t feel good, and went upstairs. I decided to go to bed early, I’ve been so tired lately, I don’t have any energy from food. Getting ready for bed I stared at myself in the mirror. I was disgusted. I’m absolutely huge. Huge and unhappy. No matter what I do or how much I try, I can’t seem to look the way I want. If I keep trying I hope that one day I’ll look better, I don’t care what it takes to get there, no matter how much pizza I have to pass up. I just want to look good one day, I just want to be happy.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

From the perspective of the worst kid on a sports team

Dear Journal,

One word to sum up my day yet again, embarrassing. This morning I had to wear my jersey to school, for that huge stupid pep-really this afternoon. You can bet that got a lot of great comments from my classmates. It sure doesn’t help that I’m number 0. Ironic right? Yeah, well the whole morning I had to deal with those stupid comments, "Oh, hey I didn’t know you were on the team" and "Don’t you need to play to have a jersey?". Real great comebacks. I hate that I’m a joke to my entire class. All the other guys on the team got their lockers decorated, I did, too, but a bunch of people said I shouldn’t have, only people who play should. Well, whatever, I know I don’t play much, I guess everyone else does, too.

The pep-rally was awful. The ENTIRE school was there, and everyone on the team had to make a lay up. I’ve been working SO hard on my left-handed lay ups. Every practice I try really hard at them, and I have improved, I just wish everyone else noticed. Well, I of course missed my lay up.. In front of the entire school. I was the only one who missed. I even got boo’d. It was awful. Even everyone on the team was laughing.

Did I mention that we had a game today, too? Homecoming game, and we were playing really hard team. We were up by a few, when I was spaced out on the bench, as usual. I was in shock when coach called me over to go in. I was so happy, but really nervous, I didn’t want to mess up... and of course I did. When I walked in the game the crowd cheered for me, but not in a way that made me feel good, it was sarcastic, I could just tell. Well, the game started up again and I actually got the ball. Me, actually getting the ball, and then as you can guess, I actually got the ball stolen from me. Some of the guys encouraged me, they’re my teammates, and they knew I didn’t mean to do it, but I still felt dumb. I got taken out of the game the next play.

I used to love basketball. I don’t know what happened. I work my ass off every practice, and I get a little bit better, but I’m still not good enough. I’m not good enough to get in the games anyway. I want to get better. I want to be able to be on everyone else’s level. I’m sick of being the laughing stock of our team and our school.

Notes- Perespective of someone with mental retardation

Notes on the perspective of someone with mental retardation:
  • not having a lot of friends
  • not being able to do what everyone else is doing
  • being made fun of
  • not being treated like a real/regular person
  • not being able to express yourself well
  • feeling different
  • being excluded
  • comparing yourself to others
  • working hard at things people take for granted

Sunday, October 26, 2008

#5 Letter asking permission to marry husband

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Someone,

First of all, I would just like to say that it has been a pleasure getting to know you these past few years. I remember when your son first introduced us, I was incredibly nervous. However, time went on and we got to know each other more and more. I have appreciated and loved getting to know you both and have grown to love spending time with all of us together. I’m so happy that we have gotten the chance to form a good relationship, and that your son and I have also had a great relationship, as well.
What I am about to tell you, is something that I really hope you both will be happy about, because I know that we are extremely happy. Your son and I are so happy together and with how things have been going, we would like to get married. We were both extremely nervous about telling you, just because it is something so hugely import. So, we thought of the idea of writing it all out. You both have been so supportive of us the whole time we have been together. I sincerely hope that you continue this.
Your son and I are really in love and we think that it is time that we go ahead and get married. We have been together for a while now. We never stopped being there for each other, and have always taken care of each other through everything. We have been through ups and downs and everything in between, and came out of everything stronger. We really love each other and care about one another. I know that you have seen us during our whole relationship and seen how we truly feel about each other. I know that you see how happy we are together, and how happy we make each other. I also know that seeing how happy we are, makes you happy, too.
I really hope that this is exciting news for you because I can barely express how happy I am about everything. Everything is really coming together, and we would both love for you to be a huge part in everything that we hope is to come.

Love your future daughter in law,

#4 Letter from a body part

Dear Hannah,

You’ve had to know that this was coming. I’ve been hurting for a while. Your right knee has too, he’s just not quite as banged up as I am, hence why I’m the angry one voicing my opinion. Just take the time to look at me, right now. Yeah, that wasn‘t pretty. Imagine if that was your face, then you’d realize what I have to deal with all the time. I’m all swollen and bruised and cut up and gross. All thanks to you.
I have come to accept the fact that you play sports, and that you, well let’s just say, are not the most graceful athlete to ever play a sport. Also, you certainly have no fear of the floor. I’ve put up with this for our whole entire life, but if you want to keep me well and working, you’ve got to be at least a little more careful. Take right now for instance, it’s volleyball season. PLEASE remember to wear you kneepads. Almost all last week you forgot them at practice and we both got pretty bruised and cut up. I know you like to play hard, but could you at least TRY to land a little more lightly? Lately I’ve been getting complaints from your hips and hands about falling, too. But really, the kneepad thing, you have to remember to wear them, and to keep pulling them up during games because that little superman dive during the Lowell Catholic game, well things haven’t been too pretty after that.
I’m also absolutely dreading basketball season. That’s always the worst. It’s no use asking you not to dive for a ball or hit the floor because I know you will anyway. However, just after I get banged up, please take care of me. Aside from your right knee, ice is my absolute best friend. Softball doesn’t really bother me too much, but stop acting like you know how to slide. Running full speed at the ground and then falling next to the base does not mean you can slide, Hannah. Learn how, and stop thinking you’re doing it right because that scar from last spring proves you wrong.
I’m not anticipating much of a change in you playing sports, or me hitting the ground hard. Just please at least make the effort to take care of me after I get hurt. I can’t take much more of weeks of being bruised and bloody. Just make sure to stock up on ice and band aids and I guess we can call it even.

Your Left Knee

#3 Thank you letter to coach

Dear Mr. Kmack,

This volleyball season has really been a great one so far. I am very happy to say that it is not over yet. One more regular season game versus Pope John and a chance to get revenge. I know we are all planning on winning that game. Pretty soon we will be off to states and we are all planning on going far. We have done well all season for the most part. This whole season so far has been really great. We have a great group of girls and we have grown together to become a really strong team and we all really genuinely care about this season, and more importantly, each other.
I think that I can speak for the whole team when I say that we really could not have accomplished all that we have this season if it was not for you. Everyone has grown and improved immensely. From the beginning of the season until now it is amazing to look at the progress we have made. From our passing, to serve reception, hitting, to serving, the improvements are all great. Along with helping us gain the skills we have needed to improve and do so well this season, you have also helped us become a better team. You have showed us how to work together and to communicate so that we can win and even lose together.
We all love you being our coach, and honestly do appreciate everything you do for us, even if we do not show it all of the time. We are hard to put up with some of the time, well, pretty much all of the time. We keep you on the edge of your seat during games and frustrate you at practice. Once in a great while we argue with you, sing a little too loudly in the van, and even poke fun at you. Thank goodness you do not have to deal with that everyday or anything.
Mr. Kmack I really am thankful for all that you do for me, and for the team. You really are one of the best coaches that I have ever had. You joke with us and put up with us. You teach us, coach us, believe in us, motivate us, and never give up on us. You have done a lot for me as a volleyball player, an athlete, and as a person. I want to thank you for being a great coach, Mr. Kmack. I know that myself and the whole team cannot tell you how thankful and appreciative of you we really are.

Thank you,

#2 Letter from an animal to you

Dear Hannah,

I bet you are surprised to see that I would be able to write you a letter. Not because I am a dog or anything, just because I do not come off as the brightest crayon in the box all the time. First of all, I just wanted to say that last night’s dinner was quite excellent. Well, the second dinner that you snuck me, and the third was good too. I sure do love when mom makes dinner that you do not really like. I do not know how you did not like that chicken pot pie she made last night because from what you gave me it was absolutely delicious. You should tell her to make it more often. It will score some daughter points with you, and then I will get to eat it. I think it really is the perfect situation. Also, that pizza you had for yourself after dinner that you shared with me was exquisite as well. You know how much I enjoy the crust.

I do have some requests, too. I know it is not summer anymore or anything but I was wondering if you guys could keep cooking out on the grill. Lately I’ve been craving some cheeseburger or some juicy steak. Those are my absolute favorites. I know it is cold but I think that we would both agree that the end results are worth it. You guys have all been saying that you are feeding me too much extra food lately, and that I am putting on a couple of pounds. That does not mean at all that you should feed me any less, just think of it as more to cuddle with.

Well, all of this thinking and letter writing is making me pretty darn tired. This is probably more activity and brain power used in this than the past two weeks combined. Today has just been really tough, eating, sleeping all day, and then writing this has really taken a toll on me. I think I’m going to go take a nap. I will be up for dinner time, both yours and mine. Also, I expect you to come over and cuddle with me and pet me pretty soon so I fall asleep. I love you Hannah.

Love the king of the house,

#1 A letter to yourself from yourself (ten years ago)

Dear 26 year old Hannah,
I wonder if you (or I, I suppose?) will remember writing this. In case you don’t, this is your sixteen-year-old self. I am writing a letter for me to open when I’m 26. The intention behind this letter is not to have some huge impact that will change your life once it is read again. I am really writing it now just as a reminder. I just wanted to remind you about everything you might have forgotten because knowing me now, being forgetful is not going to change anytime soon, or ever, for that matter. I want to remind myself when I’m older of what I have been through, who I am, and who right now, I hope to become.

Right now I do not know what I really want or where you ended up right now. I want to finish out high school with good grades and doing well with sports. I want to get into a good college. I do not know really where I want to go yet. All I can say is that it better be somewhere in either New York City or Boston. I want to go a big school, hopefully. I do not really know what I want to study in college, or even what I hope to become. I want to do everything, and I do not know how I ever narrowed it down, or even if you did that yet. I want to become rich and famous. I want to be rockstar, a princess, or a superstar athlete making a whole lot of money. More realistically, however, I hope to have a job I can enjoy, and have a comfortable life. I was thinking of going to college for business, and then maybe becoming a fashion designer. Becoming a lawyer has also always been on my list. Lately I’ve wanted to become a journalist or something along those lines, so, it is hard for me to say what direction I really want to go in.

No matter where I ended up and what job I have now, or what college I went to, most of all I hope that you are happy. With whatever job I have or however much money I’m making, the most important thing that I want is to be happy. I don’t know now if at 26 I’m married and have kids. I want to have a family and great friends always by my side. I hope you are surrounded by people who love you and care about you, because even at 16 I have learned a lot about that. I hope that lesson is something that I have continued to carry throughout my life. I hope that I have grown into someone that I would be proud of, the person that I would want to become. I hope that this is a reminder to stay on track and in remembering who I was, who I am, and who I want to become in the future.

16 year old Hannah

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Forgiveness Letter

Dear Hannah,

I think you know what this is going to be about. Before I start, I just want you to know that I love you, even when you hurt me and make me angrier than I could ever believe. It’s just that lately, you haven’t been there for me like I’ve needed you to be. I’d do absolutely anything in the world for you, and you know that. I feel like lately I’ve put in all of the effort, and I’m tired of you not giving any back. It truly hurts me to think that you don’t put the effort back in. I know you care, but it hurts to think that you don’t want to show me that you do. My 18th birthday Hannah, and you didn’t even get me anything. My own girlfriend didn’t even get me a present. I don’t even really want anything, I just wanted the effort from you more than anything, and for you to show me that you care. It’s not about my birthday or what you were planning on getting me. That’s not the point, it’s just the point that I hope will make you see everything. I’m only human and I can’t be in a one way relationship. I know you care about me and if this is going to work I need you to show me. My birthday was just the final thing that made me see why I’ve been unhappy and it was just the final straw that made everything hurt even worse. It’s that you haven’t been trying for me that hurts the most.

Hannah I wrote you this not out of anger, but out of forgiveness. You hurt me, and I’m not going to deny that you did at all, but I forgive you. It’s because I care about you that you can hurt me. It’s not the first time you’ve hurt me, and to be honest it won’t be the last. I trust you and I know that you’re always going to try for me. It’s because I have faith in you that you really do care enough about me and about us, that you will work to make all of this better. That’s why I’m able to forgive you, because I know that you would, and that you have done the same for me. I’m going to be honest that forgiving you isn’t easy, but for you and us I can do it. I love you.

Love you always,

Sunday, October 19, 2008


"You guys are my best friends." "Yeah, you’re my best friends, too." "And mine, too."
And we all really were best friends. It wasn’t a big production, but we didn’t need one. We all knew those simple words really meant a lot to each other. We were eating dinner at our favorite restaurant on a typical Friday night. It’s the simple ways of finding fun and reassuring each other of promises in small ways that keep us best friends.

I absolutely melted. Never had a single hug meant more than that in my entire life.
I can honestly say it was one of the worst days of my entire life, and all I needed was a hug. As soon as school let out I ran to go find him and I did right away. I threw my bag down and burst into tears. I didn’t have to explain myself or put on a grown up act. All I had to do was open my arms and in return I got one of the best hugs I could have ever asked for. It was a hug that screamed "I love you."

We were all together for a whole week. Who knew what was going to happen?
We sure didn’t know what was going to happen but we knew it would be fun. Four best friends going away down the cape together for a whole week. Especially with us, no one knew what was coming, but then again we never do. Summer 2008 was the most fun summer I ever had, and it was going to end this week. We all knew that since it was ending, we had to end it in the best way possible.

I passed the test on Monday, June 30th.
I had been talking about it for about the past year: my permit test. I’m the youngest out of pretty much all of my friends and I was just able to get my permit when everyone else was getting there licenses. I was so jealous of everyone else and I made an even bigger deal about wanting to drive. Of course since I wanted my permit so badly, my birthday naturally had to fall on a Sunday when the DMV isn’t open, so I had to wait a whole extra day. Not studying for the test I was very nervous, and I thought I failed, but I ended up passing, and got to drive that same day.

And sometimes I can't breathe, but in the best way possible.
Nothing big even has to happen. Sometimes it's just a look, a hug, or grabbing my hand, but it's all of the little things that add up to meaning a lot that can take your breath away. When that happens its the best feeling in the world and nothing could be better. It makes you smile from the inside out and theres is absolutely nothing that could mean more.

Unflattering Thing 2

Freshman year is all kind of a blur now. I remember always being nervous and having way more work than I was used to. It started off as an okay year, as okay as anyone’s freshman year is. I met lots of new people, played sports, and did my work. What I remember most about my freshman year is what I did on the weekends.
Everyone looks forward to the weekend. I still do now, everyone needs time to relax. Since freshman year I did not really know anyone that well and did not especially love school, I looked forward to the weekends where I could hang out with my best friends, most of which went to a different school than me. There were five of us that always hung out. We were best friends, and we did absolutely everything together. We had the best times together and were inseparable.
As the year went on, it became harder to hang out every Friday and Saturday night. We all played sports and games and activities got in the way, but we talked all the time and hung out as much as we could. We all started making new friends, but we all wanted each other to be happy and have friends. We saw each other as much as possible and it was like we were never apart.
The year kept on going, and my friend Taylor and I stopped talking as much. It started by being busy to hang out, and we all understood. Making plans does not always work out. However, toward the end of the year, the hanging out stopped. The phone began to ring less. IM’s became a lot less frequent. We all realized what was happening. I tried to keep hanging out with her and talk to her as much as she wanted to, but I realized I did not want a one way friendship. I did not want a friend who I cared about, but who did not care about me. If she did not want to make the effort to hang out with me anymore, I was not going to make the effort either. When she stopped trying, so did I.
This was not the right way to go about the situation. We never talked anything out, we just stopped talking. She was being selfish, and I was being selfish right back. Two wrongs do not make a right, but I did not care. I have seen her around and talked to her briefly, but nothing has really changed. We’ll never be the same.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Last Minute Work

Every school year we get summer reading, and every year I just barely get it done. So why should going into junior year be any different? Since I started doing summer reading I’d buy the books two weeks before school started, staying up late the few nights before school started to finish (and start) all of the books. I had a system, and it had been working out for me, for the most part, my whole life. At least, I thought it had been working out, since I manage to get my work done every year.
Going into junior year, I was taking two AP classes. I have never taken AP classes this year and I knew that I could expect a lot more work, but I was not really aware of how much that meant. My summer reading seemed like a huge amount, but then again it did every year. I had to read five chapters of the textbook for AP History and "Fast Food Nation" and "The Great Gatsby" for AP English. June went by and so did most of July and summer reading did not cross my mind. However, I thought I had made more progress than in previous years, because I did actually buy my books in July. It turned out that this did not have much of a positive effect on the overall result of accomplishing my summer reading.
August came around and I had four whole weeks to do everything, I thought. However, reading textbooks on the beach sounded a lot more appealing and relaxing than it actually was. In fact, it turned out that almost anything was more appealing than reading. Pretty soon summer was over and sports started back up, not adding to my reading motivation at all. Now that it was around the week before school was starting, so I was right on schedule to start my summer reading. It probably all would have worked out too, if I had a normal amount of work. In just a few short days I had to read and remember facts from about 500 pages in total. This was just not going to happen. I stayed up late and read, but never really managed to finish everything.
Not finishing AP English showed a lot, and it especially showed for AP History. One of the first days of English class we had to write a paper on "The Great Gatsby," the book I did not read. This made the assignment much more difficult. The English summer reading test was also much harder to study for considering I did not completely know the ending of the books. History especially showed that I saved my reading for the last minute. I got a 65% on my summer reading test for History. Needless to say, I should have started all of my work earlier. My grades paid the price in the beginning of the year, and I would need to start spreading things out more if I wanted to get them back up again.

Shooting an Elephant Questions

1) How is this a story about two disparate major themes? How are these themes intertwined? (At least one paragraph)
The two major themes of "Shooting an Elephant" by George Orwell, are imperialism and the narrator’s weakness due to peer pressure. While these themes seem very different, they are intertwined throughout the story. The more obvious theme in this story is giving into peer pressure. The narrator was a European police officer in an anti-European town in Moulmein, in Lower Burma. While responding to a call of a loose elephant in the town he was serving in, one of the possible courses of action for the narrator to carry out was shooting the elephant. The narrator merely wanted to be protected if the elephant charged, but the narrator ended up killing the elephant, "And suddenly I realized that I should have to shoot the elephant after all: The people expected it of me and I had got to do it" (Orwell 224). The narrator gave in to one of his shortcomings, submitting to peer pressure and shooting the elephant because of the crowd of people behind him.
The other major theme tied in to the real reason behind the narrator’s submitting to peer pressure, is imperialism. The narrator killed the elephant "solely to avoid looking a fool" (227). He also killed the elephant because he did not want to look dumb in front of a huge crowd of natives, who already enjoyed watching him be humiliated. The narrator gave into peer pressure, but only because of imperialism, "A white man mustn’t be frightened in front of "natives"; and so, in general, he isn’t frightened" (225). Imperialism has driven the narrator into making sure that he does whatever it takes to remain superior above the "natives". This happened because of the imperialization of Burma, and the control England had over it. This control is also clearly transferred to the daily lives of the people affected by it.
2) What tactics does Orwell employ when revealing unflattering aspects of himself? (One paragraph max)
Through "Shooting an Elephant", Orwell is able to reveal unflattering aspects of himself. Through the narrator’s actions, the story reveals that there was an instance where Orwell gave in to peer pressure. This is revealed in the story by acknowledging that the actions were wrong. However, the actions are also explained along with the reasoning behind the actions. This way we see that the author has now realized the decisions made at the time were not the best course of action, but we are given insight into why the decisions were made

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

10 Steps to Being Popular

10 Steps to Being Popular

  1. Buy clothes from only expensive, name brand stores that everyone wants to shop at.
  2. Always have something to do on the weekends, especially at places where a lot of people will see you.
  3. Manage to get relatively good grades, but don't make it look like you study too hard.
  4. Play a sport, and be the best at it.
  5. Make sure you and your friends are always the center of attention, and you are the center of their attention.
  6. Never be seen without your friends, who of course, share the same social status as you.
  7. Be outgoing, loud, funny, and seem nice. Make people think that's who you really are all the time.
  8. If every one's doing something, you've done it too, twice. Even if you have no idea what they're talking about.
  9. Appear at school functions and events, usually bored, and always have somewhere to go afterward.
  10. When complimented, be courteous, thankful, and return a compliment. Then proceed to turn around and tell your friends how ugly the skirt you just complimented is.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

For Gay Marriage

For Gay Marriage
There comes a time to take a stand on major issues that are going on in the world around us. Right now, I am asking you to consider your position on gay marriage. Homosexuals should have the equal right of marriage. It is certainly time for the Church to review why certain traditions are kept, especially in the evolving world today. According to the Church, one of the main reasons homosexuals are not allowed to be married, is because of foundation of what marriage primarily is, would not be fulfilled in such a relationship. However, these "requirements" can be fulfilled in the situation of gay marriage. They would just simply be completed in a different way. The blessing and experience of marriage should be an opportunity that is available to everyone.
It is true that in the Church, marriage is described as the union between a man and a woman. Is the love shared between a couple defined by whether they are a man and a woman, two men, or two women? Furthermore, who is the Church to judge that love? It should be up the couple to decide whether or not they are ready for marriage. Couples counseling and advice from the Church should certainly be accepted to ensure that the couple is compatible and committed. However, if the couple demonstrates they are ready for marriage, and that they are willing to work and be committed to each other, their gender should not matter, if their love is pure.
In addition to the issue of marriage being between a man and a woman, the Church, in its establishment and up until more recent years, did not really have to deal with the issue of homosexuality. In comparison to the Church’s history, homosexuality was not as widespread, common, or accepted as it is now. It was never really an issue until brought up recently. The Church needs to review how the world is constantly changing, and adjust to the needs of people today. It is not necessary for anyone that marriage be reserved for a man and a woman. In this case, the need of change is greater than that of tradition.
Another tradition of marriage is to procreate. Same sex marriages do not allow for procreation, but they do still allow families to be built. Not being able to procreate in a same sex marriage can be compensated for through adoption. While the couple may not be physically related to the children, they can still offer a family and a loving environment, just as well as a heterosexual couple. While procreation may not be lived up to in traditional Church standards, it is more the idea behind it that is being fulfilled. Also, while one of the intentions of marriage is for procreation, many heterosexual couples do not have children. It is not a requirement of marriage to procreate. However, if children are wanted in the family, it is a goal that can be reached in a same sex marriage. This step of creation, which in this case is creating a family, can be accomplished, just in a different way. The Church should be open to these new ideas of solution.
While the Church needs to be open to more ideas, it is true that the Church is open to everyone, including homosexuals. While the Church shows tolerance and acceptance, by not offering same sex marriage, it is not offering equal opportunity to all of God’s people. A homosexual marriage is still a loving union and bond between a couple that can unify two people and bring them closer together. Many homosexuals are members of the Church and want their faith to be incorporated into their marriage. Opening up the gift of marriage to same sex couples would allow what marriage really means to be experienced by a wider range of people. Sacraments are meant to be celebrated, and the more people who are given the opportunity to fully understand their meaning, the better.
At the moment, the Church does not support gay marriage. Marriage and the love and happiness of a couple should not be restricted by the couple’s genders. The responsibilities of a marriage can be practiced by a homosexual couple. It is time for the Church to recognize the changes going on in the world and adjusts to the needs of its members. Homosexuals should have the equal right of marriage in the Church. All people should have the opportunity to experience the unifying bond of marriage.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Lauren Slater brings about the point of how damaging self-esteem can be in the reading, “The Trouble With Self-Esteem.” Slater’s main ideas in this reading are that low self-esteem is not harmful, but high self-esteem is, and that a way needs to be found to control high self-esteems. However, in reality a good amount of self-esteem is needed to be successful in life, and should be brought out to its fullest in life, not held back.
Slater’s first main point is that having high self-esteem is harmful. This is not true. Having a high self-esteem means being confident in one’s actions and abilities. It seems that Slater is getting high self-esteem confused with arrogance. Arrogance can bring others down and be destructive to ourselves and those around us. However, high self-esteem is being able to be confident and do things well to the best of our abilities. This is a good quality found in people that if practiced, brings out the same good quality in those around us, as well.
The other part of Slater’s point is that lacking self-esteem is actually a good thing. This is unrealistic. Not having any confidence or self-esteem may cause less violence and equal intelligence levels, however, this does not mean a person is better. Not having any self-esteem usually results in shyness and incontinence in one’s actions. This is not a healthy way to live. People want to be comfortable with themselves and their decisions.
Since Slater has such a problem with having self-esteem, she feels the need to find a way to control it. At least she acknowledges that it is almost impossible to find ways to bring people down lower. This idea is not healthy. Telling people they are not good enough, and putting them down, does not result in better people. People need to have confidence and respect themselves to be able to better themselves and the world around them. If no one was confident with themselves, nothing would ever be accomplished. People who have high self-esteem do not want to do well to put others down, they want to do well to bring out the best in others, and because they know they are capable of achieving their full potential.
The idea that having self-esteem is negative, is the wrong way to look at this situation. High self-esteem does not bring down others. It brings out the best in ourselves and others, as well. It is not something that needs to be controlled or restrained, it is something that needs to be practiced by all people.