Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pride and Prejudice:3 Ch. 11-16

"Yes, vanity is a weakness indeed. But pride-- where there is a real superiority of mind-- pride will be always under good regulation"(57).

Vanity is wanting others to think highly of you, and pride is thinking that you are better than everyone else. C.S. Lewis believes these definitions to be true. He also believes that pride is a much worse sin than vanity because being proud is also putting down the people around you and their opinions because of arrogance. Mr. Darcy feels the opposite. He feels that caring about what others thing is weak, and pride can be a positive in one's personality. However, Mr. Darcy is completely mistaken. Pride is the worst sin one can commit. Mr. Darcy thinks very highly of himself and no one in Hertfordshire finds him to be very agreeable: "Every body is disgusted with his pride. You will not find him fore favourably spoken of by any one"(79). Pride is a very unfavorable quality, even for a society that has status and money as a priority.

In Mr. Wickham and Elizabeth's conversation about Mr. Darcy, Mr. Wickham and Mr. Darcy's relationship can be described as:
a.) They have known each other since birth and are very close friends.
b.) They are not very fond of each other.
c.) They have never met each other.
d.) They are fighting over which one of them will get to marry Jane.

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