Monday, December 1, 2008

Letter 1: Abigail to John after he died

To my dearest true love,

My one and only John, words cannot express how much I miss you, how much I have missed you. It is awful to think that our parting words before your passing were those of anger. However, John, you were, and still are, my one true love. I know you were angry with me when the start of all this happened, and you could have only gotten even more mad at my actions, but I am asking for your forgiveness. John, you know I have never loved another more than you, but I cannot go another night without things being right between us. I loved you with all of my heart, nothing less, and I know that you loved me back despite everything that has happened that threatened to tear us even further apart. I know you will forgive me John, but I also know that I need to further express my endless love for you anyway.

Do you remember when we first fell in love? The only way to describe it was magic. From the moment we were together I knew that nothing, not even your unseen tragic death, could ever end our love. It started with the single lie about witchcraft. You saw right through that lie to the real me, and even though you denied it at the time, I know having to stay with Elizabeth broke your heart. I know it hurt you to leave me at the time and I am more than sorry that I played a part in driving you away.

I cannot forgive myself, knowing that my lies led to your fate absolutely kills me. I know you will find it in your heart to forgive me, but I cannot bear the thought that it was I who took you away from me. As for Elizabeth, I could not bear to see the two of you together. For what she has gone through, I do not apologize. We both know that we were the ones meant to be eternally together. I apologize for us not being together right this very second. I miss you terribly, and I know you do, too. We will be together soon, this time forever, just like we are supposed to be. I love you always, John.


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