Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Crucible pg 36-49

  • "Hale, with a tasty love of intellectual pursuit: Here is all the invisible world, caught, defined, and calculated. In these books the Devil stands stripped of all his brute disguises" (39).

This quote describes the thoughts about witchcraft overall during this time period and how it affects certain types of people. Almost everyone who knows of Betty's condition in the town thinks that the source behind it is witchcraft. They don't even really consider any other possible causes. However, Reverend Hale is an educated man from out of town. He at least brings the possibility of there being a reason behind everything that has gone on. However, the possibility of witchcraft is still left open by Reverend Hale. This shows that almost everyone around this time believed in witchcraft, and although educated people like Reverend Hale had better reasoning than uneducated people, they still saw witchcraft as being real.

  • "Hale: You have confessed yourself to witchcraft, and that speaks a wish to come to Heaven's side. And we will bless you, Tituba" (46).

This shows how unfair this situation is becoming. Hale and Parris who are questioning Tituba get a confession out of her. Instead of being angry, they want to bribe her into giving out more names of who may be involved with the Devil. This raises the question of do they really believe in witchcraft, or are they simply looking for those who disobey the rules and who are going against society. It gives insight into finding out what the real motives and thoughts Hale and Parris have about witchcraft.

  1. Was Betty really unable to get up or has she been faking the whole time?
  2. Why did Mrs. Putnam send her daughter to have Tituba conjure up the dead?

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