Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Character List

Reverend Parris- Betty's father, mid 40s, Reverend of Salem, insecure, preaches about damnation, does not like children
Abigail- 17 years old, Reverend Parris' niece, used to work for Mrs. Proctor but had an affair with John Proctor so got fired and now no one likes her, danced in the woods with everyone, lies about what went on in the woods, crazy, can't tell what she is lying and telling the truth about
Mrs. Ann Putnam- having similar problems like Betty with her own daughter, first 7 children died at birth
Mr. Putnam-
Tituba- Slave from Barbados, caring, in woods with girls, many people thing she can talk with dead/devil, confesses herself to witchcraft, gives names of those who are with the devil
Mercy- Putnam servant, danced in woods
Mary Warren- Proctor servant, danced in woods
Betty Parris- age 10, Reverend Parris' daughter, was in woods, now thought to be possessed
John Proctor- farmer in mid 30s, had an affair with Abigail, tries to do the right thing, does not agree with Parris' teachings
Rebecca Nurse- wife of Francis, 72, white hair, thought highly of, good morals
Giles Corey- suspicious of his wife Martha and books, 80s, blamed for everything, innocent and brave, stopped praying
Reverend John Hale- Minister of Beverley, educated, knows about and believes in witchcraft

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