Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Constructing Society

Society, real or fictional, is rarely perfect. However, If I had the opportunity to create my own ideal society, the five people I would chose to make up my society would be: Tom Brady, Michelle Obama, Heidi Klum, Batman, and Adam Savage. The combination of different roles, strengths, and talents that this group of men and women bring are the necessary components for creating an ideal society.
Every society needs to have a strong leader. Tom Brady would be the hero and leader of this society. He has experience leading because he is the quarterback and captain of the New England Patriots. Tom Brady has experienced pressure situations throughout his career, and overcoming tough obstacles ensures that he would be a strong role model for the other members in society. Furthermore, Tom Brady would also serve as a procreator and a father figure. He already has one child, and this experience in addition to his amiable character would allow him to be a father figure in the community.
Michelle Obama would complement Tom Brady's strong leadership though her sapience. Her role as First Lady has given her necessary leadership skills in society. She would be a peacemaker and a decision maker. She is able to make wise decisions and think things through fully to ensure the best possible outcome for a society. She would be a positive role model and influence to those around her. She could also play a nurturing role, as she already has two children. Michelle Obama would be a great addition to any society.
Every society needs a guardian. Batman would serve as both a guardian and law enforcement. He would fight criminals that threaten society. Also, in the movie "The Dark Knight" one of Batman's roles is to be the scapegoat. Batman stepped up and unselfishly took on the responsibilities that no one else could handle for the good of the community. Also, Batman's true identity is Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne would also greatly contribute to society because of experience of management and seemingly endless bank account.
Heidi Klum would serve society by being a lover, nurturer, and procreator. She is beautiful and could be seen as the temptation, wife, or princess. Heidi has four children of her own and would definitely be looked upon as a nurturing, motherly figure. She is a model, actress, artist, television hostess, and fashion designer and could provide a lot of much needed entertainment in the community. She is also a business woman and could help stabilize an economy.
Adam Savage of the television show "Mythbusters" would be a great asset to any society. He is an extremely intelligent inventor. He could educate others and teach them how to manufacture and build things. He has great problem solving skills and would be extremely helpful in the physical construction of society. He would also bring comedy and entertainment to the society, which is always needed.
This society would be lacking in some areas. For example, there would be no religious leaders, educators, or workers. However, religion could develop over time and people would have the freedom to choose their own religions. Furthermore, there may be no specific educators, but everyone should be an educator. All of the members of the society are educated and would pass their knowledge to others. Similar to educators, all members of societies would be workers. Everyone has to do their fair share of hard work to make the society great, this is a responsibility that should be shared by all.
No society is perfect. However, in an ideal society all members' strengths will compliment one another's to form a fully functional community. Well-rounded, hard working members of society will ensure that a society will grow productively. Tom Brady, Michelle Obama, Batman, Heidi Klum, and Adam Savage bring the skills and diversity needed to create an effective society.

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