Monday, April 13, 2009

Lady Catherine Analysis

Lady Catherine de Bourgh exemplifies the class system of the 1800s by haughtily holding herself above others, demanding that she always be right, and getting what she wants from others, regardless of what they think. Lady Catherine is selfish and very rude to others. She states exactly what is on her mind "in so authoritative a tone"(162), "delivering her opinion on every subject in so decisive a manner as proved that she was not used to have her judgement controverted"(163). No one stood up to Lady Catherine’s inconsiderate remarks "and Elizabeth suspected herself to be the first creature who had ever dared to trifle with so much dignified impertinence"(165). Lady Catherine believes she has the right to control others around her simply because of her high social status. She believes in the class system of their age and tries to deter Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy’s engagement. She is a firm supporter of how Mr. Darcy was brought up: "to be selfish and over bearing, to care for none beyond my own family circle, to think meanly of the rest of the world"(357). Lady Catherine’s supercilious manner causes her to constantly belittle others through emphasizing her importance because of her social status.
Lady Catherine de Bourgh is very comparable to a cat. Cats are either too dumb or too smart to listen to their owners, but either way, just like Lady Catherine, they answer to no one. Lady Catherine feels that she is the only one who has reached the highest peak of social stature, just as cats stand alone. She does not care at all what others think, like how cats don't care what their owners have to say. Both are solitary and disconnected from others.
Lady Catherine is like Kanye West because both are either hated or adored because of their self-proclaimed greatness.

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