Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dorian Gray Ch. 14

"The brain had its own food on which it battened, and the imagination, made grotesque by terror"(171).
battened- to thrive and prosper, especially at another's expense

"his pallor being intensified by his coal-black hair and dark eyebrows"(171).
pallor- unusual/extreme paleness as from fear, ill health, or death

"His night had been untroubled by any images of pleasure or pain. But youth smiles without any reason. It is one of its chiefest charms"(166).

Dorian killed Basil Hallward, and simply went to bed. He had a restful night's sleep, he did not even dream, he was completely peaceful. Dorian killed a man, and barley even flinched, he has no after effects. As a matter of fact: "He was determined that he would not think about what had happened until it became absolutely necessary that he should do so"(167). He was not going to deal with the murder. He was going to set it aside and ignore it just like any other of his numerous sins. He was not going to deal with the sin. Although Dorian killed Basil over creating the portrait to his soul, it seems to me that Dorian would want to thank him. Basil created the tool that Dorian constantly used so he would not have to deal with sin.

"Whatever my life is, he had more to do wit the making or the marring of it than poor Harry has had. He may not have intended it, the result is the same"(173).

Dorian sees his life as being greatly influenced by Basil, and mildly influenced by Harry. Dorian simply cannot see how Harry's domination has completely ruined him as a person. He cannot even see it when he looks at his own soul through the portrait. Harry has been the cause of Dorian's downfall, yet Dorian would still listen and learn from him in a heartbeat. However, Dorian believes that Basil ruined his life with that portrait, and was so angry and out for revenge that he killed him. Dorian does not care about either Harry's or Basil's moral process, he only cared about the end result and since he could not recognize how Harry wronged him, he saw that Basil had effected his life more negatively. Dorian cannot simply judge their actions; he cannot even acknowledge Harry's awful actions. It is true that Basil did paint a portrait to Dorian's soul, however he did not mean to play a part in Dorian's tragic downfall. Harry never cared for Dorian, not even in the beginning. Basil always cared, and would have done anything for Dorian. Dorian carelessly tossed away contemplating who Basil and Harry are on the inside, and why they committed their actions. If Dorian had done this, there is no way that Basil Hallward would be dead.

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